My first web site
If you have decided to have a website for the first time it is required a very little effort to complete this successfully.
- In the first place – put yourself on the track of your needs. Would you pay for an expensive site, or something very simple and cheap will meet your needs - note that most Web sites are not much impressive, but doing the most important job - inform the visitor.
- Who are your potential visitors - if you know who are the future visitors of your site, be sure to share it with the web developer. This will help at the outset to focus the vision and structure of the site to the target group of your customers (visitors).
- Is it necessary to consult your designer on specific terms and features - you should know the best the area which the information on this site is about.
- You should prepare the text of the site - your knowledge can not be replaced by a computer specialist, at least not on a level. Even easier could be the development of your project, if you have the multimedia, which will be incorporated into the site (pictures, animations, audio-video materials).
- If you still cannot handle some things alone, do not hesitate to contact - you will be served according to your needs.